5 top tips for trying out #Twitter Ads. And a Merry #Christmas Bonus.

twitter-christmas-iconI have been honing my Twitter advertising skills for a while, both with clients who had apps to promote and clients with businesses and websites they want more traffic for.

I can safely say (and so can many of my clients) that Twitter is THE most cost effective way to get more leads and traffic in digital marketing that I know of right now.

And even though I can’t tell you the figures or CPA’s for clients I can give you a Merry Christmas with these top tips. Here they are:

My 5 top tips for Twitter Advertising 

1) Target the followers of specific accounts

This is MUCH better than just aiming at people’s interests (which is like what you can do with Facebook advertising). Going for the follower of accounts gives you much more rich data from a psychological POV. i.e. If they like 10 or so of the right accounts – you can tell a lot about the person’s thoughts and potential desires.

2) Target by device

This one is not as psychologically exciting but it is vital for conversion rates i.e. if you are wanting people to fill in a signup form and this form is not as mobile-friendly as it ought to be (a serious challenge when using Twitter ads), you’ll want to target users who can easily sign up, i.e. those on non-mobile devices.

However, do remember that Twitter is more mobile than anything else – especially in the UK i.e. around 78% are mobile users.

3) Don’t pre-empt yourself

When you start using Twitter ads you can do lots of different things – but two of the main ones are:

Promoted Tweets or Promoted Accounts.

The assumption is that the former will get you engagement while the latter attracts followers. This is not always the case. You should play around with Promoted Tweets to get more followers as well, as this works.

4) Use conversation pieces:

Normally advertising is statement led or to increase the desire for something. But in Twitter as such a social platform try to use social actions to engage with people so use promoted tweets that have questions in there. You will be amazed at the results.

5) Don’t follow Twitter’s recommended bid price

When you create your campaign Twitter will suggest a max. bid price that you should offer. This is a ‘per engagement’ fee that you’ll pay for clicks, RTs, replies and follows. You will pay a LOT less – and you should. So go low. Then if you aren’t getting anything, gently up the price and check, check, check.

Christmas bonus tip: Play around and test, test, test.

Have fun playing with Twitter ads. The platform being self-service really is an amazing opportunity. You can turn it on and off as much as you like, tweek something and try again.

This is what we did over the weekend, for KeyRingMe an app which transforms your iPhone pics into a key ring. We changed the campaign 5 times over the weekend to get the CPA right for our client. From clicks, to downloads, to followers, to lead generation.


There is so much you can do with Twitter. From using pictures to making statements, we were even going to play around with videos as well.

In 2015, as promised we will be doing some live twitter training courses, for a mixture of businesses, so at a lower price point to our 1-2-1 twitter training which is more personal.


If you are feeling festive and giving – answer this question on what is holding you back from getting the success you want with Twitter.


And if you like some #Christmas stats on the power of #Twitter – click here. 

Let’s all celebrate the power of Twitter – hip hip horray – hip hip fridays!

As twitter changed the way it allows us marketing folk to theoretically advertise on it’s platform yesterday, I say theoretically as at the moment it is not for us in the UK but only for USA big boys until later on …. boo boo

Anyhoo, I thought I would celebrate with some great twitter stats found on http://expandedramblings.com a marketing site which I love and I know you will too.

Some great marketing twitter stats….

Here is More DMR Twitter Coverage

and if that wasn’t enough to keep your thirst for Twitter stats quenched, here is a handy infographic from LinchpinSEO that gives us a bunch more Twitter usage data.

Twitter stats
Twitter Cheat Sheet , an infographic by Linchpin Infographic Design

Twitter better than your own website at converting b2b leads….surprising?

We all knew that twitter would be better than Facebook for business to business but a surprising fact supported by research is that twitter might even beat your website!

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